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Australian-Korean Rheology Conference 2005 행사 안내 2005-05-23 17:07:35
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<Australian-Korean Rheology Conference 2005 행사 안내>한국유변학회와 호주유변학회가 7월 17일(일)부터 20일(수)까지 Cairns Conference Center, Cairns, Queensland, Australia에서 공동으로 Australian-Korean Rheology Conference 2005를 개최합니다. 관심있는 분들의 많은 관심과 참가를 바랍니다.- 아 래 -1. 행사명: Australian-Korean Rheology Conference 20052. 주 최: 한국유변학회,호주유변학회 3. 일 시: 2005년 7월 17일(일) ~ 7월 20일(수) 4일간4. 장 소: Cairns Conference Center, Cairns, Queensland, Australia5. 참가등록비- Regular: AU$ 600- Early-bird: AU$ 500 (Early bird: before 31st March 2005)- Accompanying person: AU$ 160- Student: AU$ 250- Rainforest or reef trip (for student registrations): AU$ 90* 참가등록은 홈페이지(http://www.cheque.uq.edu.au/AKRC05)에서 등록6. 프로그램Sunday 17th July 14:00 Registration 16:00 Plenary PL1 'Some recent research on extensional flow of polymer solutions' Tam Sridhar, Monash, Melbourne, Australia 17:00 Plenary PL2 'Recent Progresses in Computational Rheology: High-Resolution Solution' Seung Jong Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 18:00-20:00 Conference welcome drinksMonday 18th July 08:00 Registration 09:00 Plenary PL3 'Ergodicity-Breaking and Conformational Hysteresis in the Stretching Dynamics of Polymers in Flow' Eric S G Shaqfeh, Stanford University, USA 10:00 Coffee Break 10:20 Keynote Lecturers 11:00 Oral Presentations 12:00 Lunch 13:40 Keynote Lecturers 14:20 Oral Presentations 15:20 Tea break 15:40 Oral Presentations 16:40-18:30 Poster SessionTuesday 19th July 09:00 Plenary PL4 'Rheology and the Triple Bottom Line' David V Boger, Laureate Professor, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 10:00 Coffee Break 10:20 Keynote Lecturers 11:00 Oral Presentations 12:00 Lunch 13:40 Keynote Lecturers 14:20 Oral Presentations 15:20 Tea break 15:40 Oral Presentations 19:00 Conference DinnerWednesday 20th July 09:00-14:00 Rainforest or Reef trip7. 문의- Australian-Korean Rheology Conference Secretary Australian-Korean Rheology Conference 05 Division of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland Queensland 4072 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 7 3365 4158 Fax: +61 7 3365 4199 E-mail: p.halley@uq.edu.au Homepage: http://www.cheque.uq.edu.au/AKRC05- 한국유변학회 우)135-703 서울시 강남구 역삼동 635-4 한국과학기술회관 신관 806호 Tel: 02-3452-5117, 8 Fax: 02-3452-5119 E-mail: ksr@ksr.or.kr *행사관련 자세한 사항은 홈페이지(http://www.cheque.uq.edu.au/AKRC05)를 확인하여주시기 바랍니다.
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